Best Interest and Best Practices at Your Fingertips
What if in these times of market volatility, you
had a digital tool that gives you
insight to your
clients concerns?
had a digital tool that gives you
insight to your
clients concerns?
Now, your clients can access
their financial statement
through a voice activated app
on a 24/7 basis.
their financial statement
through a voice activated app
on a 24/7 basis.
Now, you can as the administrator of your client’s app get instant feedback to their financial
concerns and inquiries.
Now, you have the ability from those client concerns to
immediately address issues,
track communications, set
appointments and increase sales.
Now, FIRA Best Practices and SEC Best Interest regulations are
enhanced through client
transparency and better service.
Want the whole story?
Request a demo.
Request a demo.
Contact Mitch Morrison (949) 254-2487, [email protected] for a demonstration of the Eyeballs Financial app and RCI dashboard feature.